Make More Money with CaluraTEN by Nina Tulio

In the ever-evolving beauty industry, it is important to constantly seek ways to enhance your client experience and grow your business. Enter in CalureTEN. An innovative hair colour that processes in 10 minutes. If you are a hairstylist looking to streamline your revenue and elevate the client experience. Incorporating this efficient service into your salon menu can offer a range of benefits to your clients AND to your business.

  1. INCREASE SALES - By using ClauraTEN you have the opportunity to make more money one of two ways.
    #1- You can shave off up to 30 minutes in total service time which will allow you to see more clients per day = MORE MONEY!

    #2- You have the opportunity to charge a premium for this service as you are offering the gift of time and convenience. Not only will you make more money charging more for this service. You will also have room to see new clients. The earning potential here is huge.

  2. INCREASE PROFIT- When you increase your prices you have the opportunity to increase your profit margin as well. If you decide to go the route of charging a premium price for this service, you will increase your revenue WITHOUT seeing more clients. If you decide to keep the price the same for CaluraTEN and Calura Permanent, you will have more time to see new clients which will also increase revenue and hopefully bring in more profit.
    ** Managing your spending and budgeting is essential for making more in profit.
  3. MARKETING - Nothing is worse than spending money on a new product and not knowing how to market it to your clients. I suggest sharing an email campaign at least once a month that showcases the benefits of using ClauraTEN. You are giving the gift of TIME and CONVENIENCE. The days of spending hours in the salon to have your hair coloured are long gone thanks to CaulraTEN. Be sure to have information in your salon promoting ClauraTEN as well. And you will definitely want to share the benefits and before & after reels or pics on social media. Don’t be afraid to blast the news of CaluraTEN all over your business.

CaluraTEN is promoting efficiency in your business. It allows you to increase your average ticket, increase volume, make more money and offer more freedom and flexibility in your schedule and in the way you grow your business. 

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